What is Environmental Engineering ?

        Environmental Engineering is one of the branches of Civil Engineering. It aims to protect the constituents of the environment. An environmental engineer tries to improve the atmosphere. They work to improve soil, water, air quality and thus protect human health.

        The stream “Environmental Engineering” isn’t a new concept. It has been practised since the beginning of civilisation. Ancient people also dealt with the challenges of the environment!!! You might be wondering, but yes, they had created different methods to treat solid waste and sewage. The Industrial revolution has caused depletion in air quality. Thus, people started to worry about air and soil pollution. So by this, we can understand the need for environmental engineering. They help in developing methods to clean the environment.

        G.D Agarwal (1932-2018) is one of the famous Environmental Engineers from India. He came into this profession in the 20th century. He was first member-secretary of the Government of India's Central Pollution Control Board. He was former head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at IIT Kanpur. Along with being an environmental engineer, religious leader, monk, environmental activist and professor, he was the Patron of Ganga Mahasabha too which was founded by Madan Mohan Malviya in 1905. Braden Allenby, Ashraf Choudhary and Marc Edwards are few of the famous Environmental Engineers across the world.

Major works that Environmental Engineers do :

        Environmental Engineers work on engineering principles, soil science, biology. With the help of these principles, they make solutions for environmental problems.

There are various responsibilities for environmental engineers such as:

       They prevent the release of hazardous chemicals into the air, water, and soil. This field is a separate environmental discipline.

       People are concerned about water, air and soil pollution. Thus, environmental engineering is gaining popularity in recent times. Engineers make every kind of effort to stop the environmental degradation.


So what exactly do the engineers do to protect our environment?

        First and foremost, they detect the presence of pollutants. Once they know, they track them to know the source of its origin. When the source of origin of the pollutant is known, then it can be minimised. Various industries are polluting the environment. Engineers try to find ways to reduce the pollution coming out through such industries. Knowledge of chemistry, fluid dynamics, and biology help in a great way.

         As you all know the pollution is growing day by day. To check it, various actions have been taken. Such actions may have a bad impact on the environment. To tackle such things environmental engineers come up with new ideas regularly. For instance, the development of CNG, Bio-gas, solar panels, etc. Such inventions reduce pollution and keep the environment clean.

Works of Environmental Engineers

SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT: We, Humans belong to the consumer society as we produce a lot of waste. The disposal of food packaging, broken electronics, etc. become a waste. Most of the developed countries across the world have efficient waste management techniques. They recycle solid waste very easily. But developing countries like INDIA are still facing problems. Lack of technology and awareness are the main causes. Environmental engineers work day and night to provide sufficient ways to dispose of the waste. They are coming up with strategies to curb the problem of waste management.

WATER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT: Drastic increase in population has to expand demands. Water is essential to sustain. Every form of life is dependent on water. Freshwater is of vital importance to live. As you know how much water is scarce in society. On the other hand, there are instances of a flood. Both flood and drought put a strain on lives. It affects humans directly and indirectly. Over the last decade, Europe faced both drought and flood. Recently, Cape Town was declared a zero-water country. They faced the biggest crisis in the last decade. Moreover, the government has to pay high charges for cleanup operations.

           Environment engineers are playing a vital role here. They identify the origin of the problem. They develop the tools or machines to fight this issue. The building of canals, irrigation fields, and sprinklers are inventions to protect from droughts. These things help to provide an adequate amount of water.

        Sewage systems, water treatment plants, are some of the ways to tackle floods and recycle the water for various purposes. Removing wastewater is also equally important. Wastewater must be out of our houses only then, we can ensure good health. Sources of wastewater at home are- toilets, showers, and cloth washing. Production of wastewater is not limited to only homes. Industries are also the reason for wastewater. There are many hazardous substances produced by industries. If there is a leak in water, then it could be a sign of danger. So it is necessary to treat wastewater to ensure a healthy supply of water.


We all are aware of air pollution. It’s a major issue in many of the developing and developed countries. To curb this problem various countries have started the CLEAN AIR ACT. Many countries are contributing in huge amounts to this pollution. Engineers have developed advanced technologies to fight the problem of air pollution. The development of CNG, solar panels for cars and homes are some of the ways to clean the air. Engineers are also coming up with ways to manage toxic pollutants.

        Now the next thing that comes in air pollution is the greenhouse effect. Engineers are trying to reduce the output of carbon dioxide gas to limit the temperature rise.

Some more duties that are performed by Environmental Engineers.

In the above blog, I have already told you about the duties of an environmental engineer. Let’s have a recap on it in brief.

  They prepare environmental investigation reports, review them and take necessary action to protect the environment.

        Designing of projects to protect the environment. Water treatment plants, air pollution control mechanisms.

        Technical support for environment cleaning projects and taking action for it.

        Obtaining data, analysing it and quality-control checks.

        Monitoring the progress of Environment protection programs.

        Checking industries to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.

How to Become an Environmental Engineer?

        You must have a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering to be an environmental engineer. You can also do courses such as civil, chemical, or general engineering. Let’s learn in detail about this, You must have a Bachelor's degree to get an entry-level job in Environmental Engineering. Some colleges give good exposure in this field. You can also enrol yourself on a dual course program. You will get a bachelor and masters degree in it. It would be a five years program. The graduate degree makes an engineer who does research and development. What do you need to do a bachelor in Environmental engineering? First, take science in High school. Have a good knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology along with maths.


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